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Our books available on Kindle or Amazon Print. Please note that if you are in Australia and you are trying to purchase from Amazon USA that it will say the book is unavailable. You must use the Amazon website located in the country you live.
The Philokalia Volume 5 by the Holy Monastery of St George, Jerusalem (Print copy soon to be released).
In the Footsteps of Jesus: Orthodox Holy Land by the Holy Monastery of St George, Jerusalem
Kindle: http://bit.ly/footstepsofjesus
On the Types of Witchcraft Volume 1 written by Elder Cleopas
Kindle: http://bit.ly/typesofwitchcraft
Print Volumes 1-5: http://bit.ly/eldercleopas1to5
About Creation, the Fall of Man and Heaven and Hell Volume 2 written by Elder Cleopas
Kindle: http://bit.ly/aboutcreationandthefall
Print Volumes 1-5: http://bit.ly/eldercleopas1to5
About Faith, Hope, Love and Grace Volume 3 written by Elder Cleopas
Kindle: http://bit.ly/faithhopelovegrace
Print Volumes 1-5: http://bit.ly/eldercleopas1to5
About Prayer and the Divine Liturgy Volume 4 written by Elder Cleopas
Kindle: http://bit.ly/prayerdivineliturgy
Print Volumes 1-5: http://bit.ly/eldercleopas1to5
About Sin, Confession and Holy Communion Volume 5 by Elder Cleopas
Kindle: http://bit.ly/sinconfessionholycommunion
Print Volumes 1-5: http://bit.ly/eldercleopas1to5
On Pride and Humbleness Volume 6 by Elder Cleopas
Kindle: https://amzn.to/2FYNdgd
Print Volumes 6 and 7: https://bit.ly/2RVUaRR
On Vainglory Volume 7 by Elder Cleopas
Kindle: https://amzn.to/330BaYA
Print Volumes 6 and 7: https://bit.ly/2RVUaRR
On Dreams and Visions Volume 8 by Elder Cleopas http://bit.ly/dreamsvisionseldercleopas
Value of the Soul Volume 9 by Elder Cleopas (Currently in translation)
Guide to the Orthodox Faith Volume 10 (Currently in translation)
Sermons on Religious Feasts and Saints Through the Year Volume 11 (Currently in translation)
Sermons on Sundays Over the Year Volume 12 (Currently in translation)
Commentary on the Sunday Orthodox Bible Readings and Great Feast Days http://bit.ly/sundaycommentaries
Homilies by St Nektarios Volume 1 On Great Lent http://bit.ly/ongreatlent
Homilies by St Nektarios Volume 2 On Concern for the Soul http://bit.ly/concernforsoul
Homilies by St Nektarios Volume 3 Words of Eternal Life http://bit.ly/wordseternallife
Homilies by St Nektarios Volume 4 The Priestly Engolpion http://bit.ly/priestlyengolpion
Homilies by St Nektarios Volume 5 Christian Ethics of the Eastern Orthodox Church Part 1 http://bit.ly/christianethics1
Homilies by St Nektarios Volume 6 Christian Ethics of the Eastern Orthodox Church Part 2 Preorder
Gerontikon Volume (Mount Sinai Fathers) http://bit.ly/gerontikon
Evergetinos Volume 1 https://bit.ly/330kArE
The Monastic Rule of St Basil the Great https://bit.ly/3mPbhTx
The Way of a Pilgrim and the Pilgrim Continues His Way https://bit.ly/3kObAvX
Holy Early Christian Women http://bit.ly/earlychristianwomen
The Supplicatory Canon (Paraklesis) to St Nikephoros the Leper http://bit.ly/stnikephoros
Paraklesis Canon to St Ephraim of Nea Makri http://bit.ly/stephraim
Supplicatory Canon to Saint John Maximovitch the Wonderworker https://bit.ly/3mTRylq
Paraklesis Canon to St John the Baptist https://bit.ly/365LzEg
Orthodox Prayer Book – The most extensive book of prayers available! http://bit.ly/orthodoxprayer
Orthodox Daily Prayer Book by the Holy Monastery of St George, Jerusalem https://bit.ly/3kOZ8fE
Before and After Holy Communion Prayers: Orthodox Prayer http://bit.ly/holycommunionprayers
The Life of Saint Anthony the Great by St Athanasius the Great http://bit.ly/lifestanthony
The Small AND Great Paraklesis to the Most Holy Theotokos https://bit.ly/2HA1Ib3
Sayings of the Saints: Orthodox Spirituality http://bit.ly/sayingsaints
Orthodox Colouring Book by the Holy Monastery of St George, Jerusalem https://amzn.to/2RVuvIG
The Syriac Gospels Translated from the Mt Sinai Manuscripts http://bit.ly/syriacgospels
The Monastic Rule of St Columba Apostle of Scotland https://bit.ly/3i1AmHg
The Supplicatory Canon to the Great Martyr Marina the Vanquisher of Demons http://bit.ly/stmarina
The Supplicatory Canon to the Supreme Commander of the Heavenly Hosts, Michael the Archangel http://bit.ly/archmichael
The Supplicatory Canon to the Great Martyr and Trophy-Bearer, George the Wonderworker http://bit.ly/stgeorgecanon
The Supplicatory Canon of Anastasia the Roman, the Righteous Virgin Martyr https://bit.ly/2GbrgdO
Monastic Rule of St Benedict https://bit.ly/2FNyy7N
The Gospel of Mark New Orthodox Translation http://bit.ly/gospelmarkorthodox
The Gospel of Matthew: New Greek Orthodox Translation https://bit.ly/367fpIy
How the Demons Effect the World by St John Chrysostom http://bit.ly/demonseffectworld
Four Hundred Texts on Love by St Maximos the Confessor http://bit.ly/textsonlove
Christian Trilogy by GK Chesterton http://bit.ly/trilogychesterton
On Virginity by St Gregory of Nyssa, St Clement of Rome and St Ambrose http://bit.ly/onvirginity
On Repentance by St Ambrose http://bit.ly/onrepentance
On Widowhood by St Ambrose http://bit.ly/widowhoodambrose
On the Duties of Priests by St Ambrose http://bit.ly/dutiespriests
On the Christian Faith, the Holy Trinity and the Two Natures of Jesus Christ by St Ambrose http://bit.ly/faithholytrinitynatures
The Incarnation of the Word by St Athanasius http://bit.ly/incarnationoftheword
On the 6 Days of Creation by St Basil the Great (Hexameron) http://bit.ly/hexameron
On the Holy Spirit by St Ambrose http://bit.ly/holyspiritambrose
Explaining the Orthodox Faith by St John of Damascus http://bit.ly/orthodoxfaithdamascus
Letters to Deaconess Olympias from St John Chrysostom http://bit.ly/deaconessolympias
Explaining the Orthodox Faith by St John of Damascus https://bit.ly/301FTre
On the Priesthood by St John Chrysostom https://bit.ly/3crOVmi
The Perpetual Virginity of the Blessed Theotokos by St Jerome http://bit.ly/perpetualvirginitytheotokos
Against the Heathens by St Athanasius the Great http://bit.ly/againsttheheathens
Hymns and Homilies by St Ephraim the Syrian http://bit.ly/hymnshomiliesephraim
Fifty Spiritual Homilies by St Markarios the Great (the Egyptian) https://bit.ly/2EvpJyJ
The Life of St Macrina by St Gregory of Nyssa https://bit.ly/3mJdobv
The Life of Saint Hilarion the Great by Saint Jerome https://bit.ly/3665N0S
Four Homilies on the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus by Saint John Chrysostom https://bit.ly/2EuLhLM
Life of Saint Declan of Ardmore (5th Century Irish Saint) https://bit.ly/3kNBHmy
Commentary on 1 Corinthians by Saint John Chrysostom https://bit.ly/2G09iei
Commentary on 2 Corinthians by Saint John Chrysostom https://bit.ly/3mSQP4i
Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles by Saint John Chrysostom https://bit.ly/3crcUSF
Commentary on Timothy by Saint John Chrysostom https://bit.ly/3j1ukHY
Commentary on Romans by Saint John Chrysostom https://bit.ly/32XESCc
Commentary on Philippians by Saint John Chrysostom https://bit.ly/33TDbFa
Commentary on Galatians and Ephesians by Saint John Chrysostom https://bit.ly/3jdYsA5
Commentary on the Gospel of St Matthew by Saint John Chrysostom
Commentary on Hebrews by St John Chrysostom https://bit.ly/2S2cGrr
Commentary on the Gospel of St John by Saint John Chrysostom https://bit.ly/3mQL4Un
On Spiritually Profitable Topics by Saint John Chrysostom http://bit.ly/spirituallyprofitable
An Exhortation To Theodore After His Fall by Saint John Chrysostom https://bit.ly/2RXo33W
On Eutropius by Saint John Chrysostom https://bit.ly/3666eZ0
A Treatise To Prove That No One Can Harm The Man Who Does Not Injure Himself by Saint John Chrysostom https://bit.ly/302XDT6
On The Statues To The People Of Antioch by Saint John Chrysostom https://bit.ly/2RUpfp1
Against Those Who Decry Holy Images by Saint John of Damascus http://bit.ly/holyimages
The Person of Jesus Christ: The Perfection of His Humanity Viewed as a Proof of His Divinity http://bit.ly/personofjesuschrist
Life of St Theodore of Sykeon http://bit.ly/sttheodore
Life of St Daniel the Stylite http://bit.ly/stdaniel
Life of Our Holy Father, John the Almsgiver http://bit.ly/stjohnalmsgiver
The Prodigal Son's Brother https://bit.ly/3hZo5Ty
The Spiritual Life in the World https://bit.ly/3kKthfP
Fountain of Life Volume 1 https://bit.ly/2G05wSn
The Supplicatory Canon to the Most Glorious Ancestor of God Saint Anna https://bit.ly/34223us