For one week only, we have in stock Jerusalem Burial Shrouds. These burial shrouds are exclusive to Jerusalem and we bless them on the Holy Tomb of Christ.
It is tradition that a burial shroud is placed upon a person in the coffin before they are buried. It represents the clothe that Christ was wrapped in when He was buried in the Tomb.
All money raised from these sales go to the needs of our monastery in Jerusalem. We appreciate your support.
Below you will find photos and paypal options to buy. The more you buy, the cheaper they become.
All prices include postage and tracking numbers. We will also include a copy of a paper icon of the miraculous Virgin Mary of Jerusalem. These are replicas of the icon painted without human hands blessed on the original icon located at Gethsamene where the Tomb of the Virgin Mary is located in Jerusalem. They will also be blessed on the Holy Tomb of Christ.
Please keep in mind that there are postage delays because of covid.
We will have these available until the 10th of October 2021 but we have limited stock and may have to conclude sales sooner.
1 Shroud $34.95 USD

2 Shrouds $64.95 USD

3 Shrouds $89.95 USD

4 Shrouds $109.95 USD

5 Shrouds $124.95 USD